January 20, 2010

Tap Tap Tap. And Bandwagon.

Hi I'm back!

The holidays were busy. So busy. I cooked a LOT. I ate even more. It was blissful.

But now its 2010 and hopefully I'm back on track here.

Tonight I finally decided to give quinoa a try. I didn't know what to do with it, really, so after a pretty quick search through some of the blogs I frequent (am I the last person to try this stuff?!?!) I decided to go a simple route. Lets just say it was a good decision. I made a really quick saute of cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and carrots with some lime and cilantro and served it with plain quinoa. Deeeeeeeeeeeelicious. Just like everyone says, nutty but not overpowering, and substantial. I'm stuffed. No meat. This is odd for me.

I'm definitely on board with this quinoa thing!

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